Belarusian Association of Journalists shut down

On 27 August, the Supreme Court of Belarus upheld the claim of the Ministry of Justice to liquidate the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ). The court ruling says that the arguments of the BAJ representatives were considered “not pertinent” and that the defense lawyer “misinterpreted the law”.
BAJ is the only independent representative organization of journalists and media workers in Belarus. It has been operating since the fall of 1995. The association brings together nearly 1,500 representatives of the mediasphere.
“BAJ is not just an office or a legal entity. It represents almost 1,500 colleagues from different regions of Belarus, who are united by common goals and a common vision of a free media space. Our colleagues have gone through many trials together. We would pass this test together, too. BAJ is also recognized internationally. Our international partners have already stated that even if BAJ was liquidated, we would remain its members and that they would fully support us in our activities for the benefit of free media in Belarus,” deputy chair of BAJ Barys Haretski commented on the verdict.